We welcome you all to join us for a special day to remember and honour the life and work of Prof. Harry S. Smith. We are pleased to be welcoming long-term colleagues and friends of Harry to speak to us on the day – and these talks will reflect upon Harry’s research and how wide-reaching it was, internationally, and express its regional and chronological diversity. A brief summary of the events are below, with the full program available to download below.
Friday April 4th: Talk from Robert Morkot and reception hosted by the Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology (alternative reception hosted at the Institute of Archaeology).
Saturday April 5th: Full day of talks from 9:15am – 17:40pm with refreshment and lunch breaks.
Venue: G6, Institute of Archaeology (Friday) and Lecture Theatre 1, UCL Cruciform Building, Gower St., WC1E 6AE (Saturday).
Tickets: There is no cost for the day as we would like to bring everyone together to remember Harry. We do need to issue tickets to reserve you a place, so please indicate when you will join us using the form in the document attached below. We hope to start a fund in Harry’s name, and there will be a chance to purchase some books and raffle tickets to help support this.