Who are the Friends of the Petrie Museum?

About Us

The vision of the Friends of the Petrie Museum is to create a welcoming learning community, supporting the Petrie Museum in partnership with its staff, management and researchers to enhance the physical, social and intellectual space of this world-class collection.

The Friends of the Petrie Museum (PMF) was formed on 1st June 1988 under the Chairmanship of George Hart, Staff Lecturer at the British Museum, and the Presidency of Harry Smith, Emeritus Professor of Egyptology at University College London, and holder of the Edwards Chair in Egyptology for many years. The driving force behind the formation of the Friends was Barbara Adams, Curator of the Petrie Museum at that time, who recognised the need to channel the goodwill and interest of so many visitors and donors to the Petrie Museum. The Friends of the Petrie Museum became a UK Registered charity, number 1192201, on the 6th of November 2020.

The Friends now number over 700 members, mostly resident in the UK, although our Friends overseas are also active on behalf of the Museum. The high number of Friends for such a small museum as the Petrie reflects the outstanding nature of the collection. Its status as one of the world’s finest teaching collections has been recognised in its designation by government as a collection of national importance.

News, Articles, and Reports


2024-2025 Lecture Series

Lectures usually take place in Lecture Theatre G6, UCL Institute of Archaeology, 31 – 34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY unless otherwise noted, and will also be streamed on Zoom for those unable …

2025 Handling Seminars

Our famous Friends of the Petrie Museum object handling sessions are returning! We are pleased to have started up the 2025 series with someone very closely linked to the museum – Dr Alice Stevenson, …

PMFExtra 2

This issue presents two lecture reports and an article kindly supplied by three different sources: a PMF trustee; a former member of the Petrie Museum staff; one of our most regular PMF member reporters. …